Definition of Dollar sign

1. Noun. A symbol of commercialism or greed. "The dollar sign means little to him"

Exact synonyms: Dollar, Dollar Mark
Generic synonyms: Symbol

2. Noun. A mark ($) written before a number to indicate that it stands for the number of dollars.
Exact synonyms: Dollar Mark
Generic synonyms: Mark

Definition of Dollar sign

1. Noun. punctuation symbol '''$''', used to indicate a price in dollars. ¹

2. Noun. (programming) in certain languages (such as Perl or PHP), to indicate a variable. ¹

3. Noun. (programming) in certain languages, used to indicate a hexadecimal constant. ¹

4. Noun. (programming) in certain languages, used to indicate a constant. ¹

5. Noun. (programming) in certain languages (such as BASIC), to indicate a variable or a constant containing text (a ''string'') as opposed to a number. ¹

6. Noun. (programming) in regular expressions, used to indicated the end of the string/line. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Dollar Sign

doll's eye sign
doll's eyes
doll's house
doll's houses
doll up
dollar bill
dollar day
dollar days
dollar diplomacy
dollar mark
dollar sign
dollar signs
dollar store
dollar stores
dollar volume

Literary usage of Dollar sign

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Canadian Antiquarian and Numismatic Journal (1872)
"THE dollar sign. JHE dollar sign ($) was in use long before there was any Federal coinage to be represented. All these old characters grew into use so ..."

2. Rational Elementary Arithmetic by Henry Holmes Belfield, Sarah Catherine Brooks (1899)
"With the dollar sign? 4. How do you write 250 as r, fraction of a dollar? ... With the dollar sign ? $.01 = ^Lg. of a dollar. .10 = T'A (or TV) of a dollar. ..."

3. Myers Arithmetic by George William Myers (1908)
"How do you write it with the dollar sign ($)? 3. How do you write 100 as a fraction of a dollar? With the dollar sign? 4. How do you write 250 as a fraction ..."

4. A Brief for the Trial of Civil Issues Before a Jury by Austin Abbott (1900)
"Nor is the validity of the verdict affected by the use of the dollar sign ($) instead of the word dollars, in assessing damages, il ay so n \. ..."

5. Myers-Brooks Elementary Arithmetic by George William Myers, Sarah Catherine Brooks (1907)
"With the dollar sign? 4. How do you write 250 as a fraction of a dollar? ... With the dollar sign? $.01 = ^j^ of a dollar? .10 = ^ or ^ of a dollar? .25 ..."

6. New Mental Arithmetic by John B. Gifford (1920)
"We write 7 cents with the dollar sign and figures in this way: $.07. ... Write with the dollar sign, decimal point, and figures 5 cents, 19 cents, 23 cents. ..."

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